Creative Living with Jamie: Focusing Your New Year

In Today’s Podcast:
It’s so great to be back with the Creative Living with Jamie podcast for another year! Since it’s been a while, I thought I’d make it just you and me over a cup of tea. In this episode I’m going to share with you my strategy for working with focus areas to align your life with your heart. (If you’d prefer to read rather than listen, check out this post)
People and resources mentioned in this week’s podcast:
- Sherri Hutchins at Live Wonderstruck
- My interview at Live Wonderstruck
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- You can subscribe to Creative Living with Jamie here and on iTunes here (Note: this link will ask to access your iTunes and then take you to the podcast. You can also simply open iTunes and search for “Creative Living with Jamie”). NEW! Creative Living with Jamie is now on Stitcher.
Connect to Creative Living with Jamie…
- You can email your feedback, questions and suggestions to Jamie.
- You can also call and leave your thoughts on our guest line at (512) 827-0505 ext 8766.