The Studio Yearbook:
A Seasonal Guided Journal
for Your Creative Life
Can a journal change your life?
This one can!
The Studio Yearbook is a simple fill-in-the-blank journal that has helped thousands of people awaken their creativity and bring their dreams to life.
Season after season creatives have poured their insights, inspirations and celebrations into these pages. They have named and claimed their true priorities. They have paid deeper attention to their daily life and more fully honoured themselves. They have stretched and grown and established a creative practice that matters.
By the end of the season, each Studio Yearbook has become a unique and precious expression of the artistic soul who filled its pages.
I’m Jamie Ridler, the creator of the Studio Yearbook and the founder of Jamie Ridler Studios, an online portal where creativity comes to life.
I have been coaching aspiring, emerging and established creatives for almost 20 years and been an artist and a writer all my life. In the Studio Yearbook I have gathered together practices that have nourished both me and my students for decades. In this simple creative journal, I share all of that wisdom and experience with you.
It is my joy and my honour to bring this studio-in-a-journal to you!
The Studio Yearbook is a seasonal guided journal designed to support you in bringing your creativity to life.
The Studio Yearbook brings together powerful and proven practices that will awaken and support your artistic spirit. Every season it guides hundreds of my students to a more inspired, aligned and vibrant creative life.
Your Studio Yearbook Practices
The Studio Yearbook brings together powerful creative practices that have been a part of Jamie Ridler Studios for years! Now you can do all of the following in one creative journal:
Capture Your Days: Open your awareness to the magic of everyday life by paying attention to your days. The big, the small, the mundane, the beautiful – all of it has a home in your Studio Yearbook. A few sentences in this seasonal journal and you can hold onto precious details of your life that you will treasure for years to come.
Gather Inspiration: Having a fun and fertile inspiration practice can fuel your creative fire! Your yearbook supports you in strengthening your inspiration radar daily and gives you a home for all you discover. Stuck for an idea? Flip through your pages and revisit your collection! Over time, your Studio Yearbook becomes a rich creative resource!
Create with Focus: When you align your life with your true desires, transformation begins. In your Studio Yearbook, you’ll discover the magic of working with Focus Areas, identifying what matters to you most and beginning to plan your life around that! This is a game-changer!
Dream: Under the power and blessing of each full moon, you will call in your dreams. Intuition will be your guide as you create a monthly dreamboard in your Studio Yearbook, a dreamboard that expresses the deep desires of your creative soul. When you have this true north, the path ahead becomes clear, making it easy to set priorities, make decisions and set about creating your heart’s desire.
Practice Gratitude: Lift your spirit each day with a moment of gratitude. This simple practice can shift your energy as well as your perspective. Let this beloved ritual remind you of all that you hold dear.
Celebrate You: Life may not always give us the kudos we desire and deserve but we can learn to do this for ourselves. Acknowledging ourselves and celebrating our personal markers of success is motivating and fosters a sense of self-appreciation. Give yourself gold stars and honour all that you pour into your life and your work.
Lifelong Learning: A creative life is one rich with reflection and growth. Your Studio Yearbook reminds you to draw the lessons out of each day and hold them close to your heart. As you develop a practice of gathering your insights and learnings, they will grow deeper and stronger, eventually becoming a strong foundation of your personal wisdom.
Find Your Voice: Each Studio Yearbook starts out as the same fill-in-the-blank black and white journal. As you fill your yearbook with what’s in your heart, as you brave following your own instincts and truly making it your own, you will start to see yourself reflected back in those pages. You will see your colours, your words, your choices, your dreams, your preferences and your desires. You will see that your Studio Yearbook could have been created by no one but you and you will know that the same is true of your creative work and the same is true of your life.
Treasure Your Memories: At the end of the season, you’ll look back through your Studio Yearbook and be amazed by how it has captured this particular time of your life. Bit by bit, it has become a unique expression of you and of this moment in time. In years to come, you and your loved ones, if you choose to share, will look back on your Studio Yearbook and see an irreplaceable vision of you.
Creatives who have used their Studio Yearbooks have:
- returned to their art after years away
- developed creative confidence
- released perfectionism
- dared to be different
- found a place to make use of all those creative supplies!
- tried new things
- been able to stick to a journaling practice (finally!)
- started drawing
- started writing poetry again
- found a new perspective on their everyday
- stretched their imagination
- learned self-compassion
- rekindled their childhood creativity
- finally said yes to their dreams
- awakened their intuition
- deepened relationships with loved ones
- learned to say no
- found more joy
- learned to love the season
- and discovered that they are in fact creative!
When you start your Studio Yearbook journey, what creative adventure will find you?
With your Studio Yearbook you will receive immediate access to plethora of support and bonus materials!
Your Guidebook to a Whole New Creative World!
It is so exciting to start something new – but it can be intimidating too. Sometimes we don’t know where to start or what to do! That’s why I made this PDF guide for you. Your Guide to the Studio Yearbook is a one-stop orientation to all of the lessons, bonuses and top-tips available when you purchase your Studio Yearbook!
Here’s what awaits…
Four Creative Practice Lessons
#1 Daily Awakening. With just one page of your Studio Yearbook, you become steeped in practices that remind you that you are a creative person living a creative life. In this lesson, I will show you how to powerfully gather inspiration, wisdom and gratitude from your day so you can build your strength as an artist.
#2 The Power of Weekly Focus. I will share with you a life-changing tool for aligning your life with what truly matters. This practice is what I used to move from my day job to my dream job. It has kept me on path ever since. Who knew that a focused to-do list could become an inner guidance system with that kind of impact!
#3 Monthly Magic. In this lesson, we lean into the rhythm of the moon, learning to set intentions when she is new and discovering the power of dreaming when she is full. This gentle repeated return to our desires becomes the fuel for our creative life!
#4 Attune to Seasonal Energy. As you deepen your relationship with the flow of the seasons, more and more you attune to your own natural rhythms. As you work with this energy, you discover how to make the most of every season of your life.
Two Bonus Creative Workshops
When you purchase your Studio Yearbook, you’ll gain exclusive access to two 60-minute creativity workshops.
The Dailies Drop-In: Daily practices are the heart and soul of a creative life and your Studio Yearbook. In this workshop, we will go through the process of filling out the daily pages together, making sure you are clear, grounded and ready to reap the benefits of showing up to the page!
Dreamboard Reflection: When we make a vision board without practicing reflection, we leave oodles of wisdom and guidance untapped! I’ll teach you how to unlock the magic just waiting to be discovered within the images you’ve gathered for your dreams!
These workshops will deepen your ability to connect to the magic of your daily life and your dreams, and they are only available to people who purchase the Studio Yearbook.
Two Bonus Printables
One of the joys of the Studio Yearbook is embellishing! These printables give you a fun and inspiring start. Each printable set includes:
- A rich collection of inspiring quotes to get your artistic imagination going and that creative energy flowing! These will give you plenty of content for your ‘Words for the Day’ section of your Studio Yearbook.
- A selection of hand-drawn black-and-white patterns and borders that you can print, cut and paste to personalize your yearbook. Some of these have been contributed by past yearbookers!
- Inspiration! Even better than cutting and pasting these printables, let them inspire you to try your hand at your own doodles, drawings and collections to make your Studio Yearbook your very own!
Unleash Your Creative Magic!
Order Your Studio Yearbook Today
The Fall Edition is Now Available at

Visit The School of Creative Magic for yearbook and more!
Your Summer Studio Yearbook (Jun 21 – Sept 22): The yearbook is black-and-white for easy and affordable printing. This season runs from June 21 to September 22 and has 156 pages (78 pages when printed double-sided) plus a front and back cover. Order now and get immediate access to the PDF and all accompanying bonuses!
PS Many yearbookers email the PDF to Staples for printing and then have it mailed to them – easy-peasy!