Three Simple Tips to Get the Most Out of Any Classes You Take

Pile of Journals

I was recently documenting my process for gatherings like Reading Hour* in ​The Studio​. It got me thinking about all the classes I’ve taught, all the classes I’ve taken and the strategies for learning I’ve developed over the years. Today I want to share a few with you.

No matter the subject, no matter the teacher, these three simple tips will help you make the most of any class you take.

Give Yourself Time to Arrive

Life is busy and we often barrel into class catching our breath, barely landing before we’re leaving and on to the next thing. Having a short and simple routine for switching gears helps us get present and available for learning. For me, it’s making cup of tea before class and having my journal and pen at the ready. For you it might be lighting a candle, doing a little stretch or taking three deep breaths. The key is to choose something that feels good to you, something you look forward to. Repetition is your friend here. Over time, this mini ritual will become a mental cue that signals, “This is class time.”

Ask a Question on the First Day

Here’s a little secret I’ve been using since university: I always ask a question on the first day of class. Why? Because silence is a barrier to engagement and the longer it goes on, the harder it is to break. Your question doesn’t have to be earth-shaking. It could be about the schedule, the supplies or even where the bathroom is. The important thing is to use your voice (or type that question in an online class). Once you’ve crossed that threshold, each subsequent interaction becomes easier. (This tip is especially recommended for my fellow quiet good girls!)

Take Five Minutes to Gather Your Learning

We all know about taking notes in class. Usually we’re diligently writing down information or instructions from our teacher or classmates. But what are we thinking, feeling or wondering? Take five minutes directly after class to write down your own responses to the content. Even a quick one-minute write before you pack up can make all the difference. This short period of reflection can unearth questions, spark inspiration and awaken possibilities you might have otherwise missed.

These are three of my go-to strategies for making the most of any learning experience. What do you do that supports your learning? What personal rituals or habits help you engage?

*Btw, we’re hosting a free Cozy Reading Hour on Black Friday in November! Curl up with a cuppa tea, a good book and good company. We’ll pull together a list of everyone’s books so expect to fill your TBR (to be read)! We’re setting up registration now. Sign up for The School of Creative Magic to get the registration announcement!

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