Confident Traveling: A Little Break – Stratford (Day 1)

A short while ago, Justin and I rather spontaneously decided we would take a little break together and go to the Stratford Festival in Stratford, Ontario. It’s just a 2-hour train ride from Toronto and gives us the opportunity to visit a lovely city, see some theatre and have some time together.

2018-09 Union Station

I love taking the train. It’s such a gentle way to travel. On the way, our train had only 2 cars and we boarded right at the front, giving me a view into Union Station that I’ve never seen before! The conductor was patient as I quickly took a picture but I also realized how difficult it is for me to slow down, breathe and take a moment for me when someone else is waiting. I vowed to practice this, to learn what it is to hold my space, take my time and have my moment.

It was grey and cool when we arrived in Stratford and very few of us got off the train. We were definitely coming to the festival at the end of the season and that’s just perfect for us. We love traveling in the shoulder seasons, knowing that things will be quieter, more spacious, even if also a little grey and chilly!

After finding our lovely Air BnB and grabbing a bite of lunch, we did what you do when you go to Stratford, we walked along the Avon River. We were amazed by the lack of people on the path – but there was certainly no lack of ducks, swans and Canada geese!

tratford Ducks and Geese

Stratford Duck

The swans are so big that when they stood up fully, I suddenly realized they are almost as big as me!

We walked all the way to the Festival Theatre and made our first acquaintance with Mr. Shakespeare.

Stratford Water Lily

The beautiful gardens include a little pond for water lilies that just makes me swoon: the darkness of the water, the shapes of the pads and oh, those lilies.

Stratford Fish Pond

The shapes and the colours inspired me to take my camera out again and again and again.

Stratford Poppy

After our long walk, we grabbed a quick dinner and headed out for a night of theatre.

Stratford Coriolanus

We saw Coriolanus at the Avon Theatre – stunning, riveting and relevant! This was truly one of the best pieces (if not the best piece) of theatre that we have ever seen. Thank you to the director, Robert Lepage, whose vision brought this play to life in such a dramatic and impactful way.

Watch the following video(s) to get a glimpse into the magnificent staging that brought this story to life!

A spectacular way to end a wonderful first day.

Continue to Day 2

The Power of Your Choices

You Full Choices

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the choices I’ve made over the past several years and how they’ve impacted my life, (created my life, really.) I think about the things that have been within my control and the things that have been beyond it and I do this in an attempt to integrate all of that hard-won wisdom. I celebrate the choices that have brought me closer to myself and to the life I want to be living and I do my best to be honest and compassionate about the choices I have made that have moved me further away.

I am not one of those people who believe that our entire lives are our own creation, that we manifest everything by our inner thoughts, our words, our deeds. Instead I believe that each of us has a set of given circumstances, a palette that life gives us to work with, and that as creative beings, we can make wonders with what we’ve been given. The art form that has helped me understand this the most is theater, which I studied in university.

An actor starts creating a character by looking at the given circumstances provided by the play. What does the text tell us about who we are? Does our character description give our age, our circumstance, clues to our personality? Do the facts of the play show us where we live, who we have relationships with, what we do for a living? Do other characters talk to or about us and give clues about our identity? Are they a reliable source of information or are they misinformed or have their own agenda? An actor scrutinizes the text for these given circumstances and, generally, doesn’t argue with them. The circumstances form the skeleton on which everything else is built.

Once the given circumstances are discovered, it’s imagination’s turn. Choices bring the character and the play to life.

Yes, we enter the room on our cue, “Lizzie, dear, can you bring in the coffee?” but how do we enter? Are we rushed, calm, resistant? Are we leaning forward or dragging our heels? If we brought the coffee, are we sure-handed or is the carafe precariously balanced on our tray? Do we look at the other people as we enter? Do we smile? Do we frown?

An actor makes a million choices to bring a character to life within the given circumstances of a play.

We do the same within the given circumstances of our life, though generally less consciously. When we walk into the office, the kitchen, the bedroom, the party, the dry cleaners, the apartment, how do enter? Do we hurry? Do we hesitate? Are we lackadaisical? Suspicious? Friendly? Do we stand tall? Slouch? Lean back? As we
engage with our activities and others are we terse, effusive, loving, resentful, sarcastic, funny, aggressive, timid? How do our interactions with our given circumstances impact the story of our life?

The wonderful thing is that we have far more freedom than a character in a play.

Inevitably, Romeo and Juliet’s love will end in tragedy and Didi and Gogo will keep waiting for Godot. But our magic is greater; we have more creative license. We can change not only our reactions and responses to the given circumstances but even the story itself.

When we hear, “(Insert your name here), dear, can you bring in the coffee?” unlike Lizzie, we may bring in the coffee or not. We may substitute wine, coconut water or
raspberry soda. We might bring the coffee on a tray along with carrot cake and one exquisite fall dahlia in a vase. We can suggest going out for coffee or for dinner instead. We can even enter the room with a cartwheel and say “Get your own damn coffee” and walk out the door.

Maybe we are sick and tired of being asked to bring the coffee. We want something different for our lives. Maybe we want deeper conversations, more challenge and responsibility. Maybe we want coffee in Paris. Maybe we want brilliant conversations about books and life and politics. Maybe we want to quit coffee because the caffeine keeps us up at night. Maybe we want someone to bring us the damn coffee!

We can change things when we stop believing our entire story is a given.

Yes, we have given circumstances. We all do.

And, we have millions of choices available to us every day.

Choices that are ours, no one else’s.

Choices that can change our story – even if they don’t change all the details.

Make a list of the given circumstances of your life. Then think about the story you want to be living, the person you truly want to be and start making choices, one by one, day by day, to bring that story and that you to life.

You can do it.

Find Inspiration: Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli

I have a regular Inspiration Practice. I look for inspiration every day and record what I find in my Studio Yearbook. I encourage myself to go beyond having a ‘feel good’ moment but instead try to really contemplate what has inspired me and see how I can integrate what I have learned into my creative life.

Today my sister Shannon introduced me to the CBC Arts series The Move. I watched episode one with Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli and it was timely and helpful! Yesterday I hosted the Studio Yearbook Q&A and one of the big questions that came up, and that comes up every season, is “What happens if I wreck my yearbook?” In the video, Luca shares the dance concept of “Crash and Create” and it is perfect for dance, the arts and all of life.

“In dancing we have this philosophy called ‘Crash & Create.’ Essentially if you are going to go into a move and you are going to crash and slip out of that movement, how can you end up creating a new movement?” Luca “Lazylegs” Patuelli

What would be different if you believed in a philosophy of Crash & Create?
What other takeaways can you get from 5 minutes with Luca?

Style, Stuff & Essentials

On Tuesday & Friday mornings I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: I continue to work through my stuff, including my wardrobe, and I have some tips to share – plus talk of going grey has me taking a strong stand!

Mentioned in Today’s Show

stART: Creating as We Go – Busy Times & The Drop (eps 94)

Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives.  Wherever we are on our creative journey, it’s always fun to talk about art! Now fall is upon us and it brings the promise of new beginnings and diving into new projects. We are back and busy and getting right into it! We hope you enjoy this episode!

In this episode we mention…

Keep up-to-date with stART: Creating As We Go