The Power of Getting Uncomfortable

One of the things we often look for in our creative lives is a sense of ease and flow. When things click into place or synchronicity appears, we get that wonderful reinforcement that we are in the right place, doing the right thing and all is well.

But here’s a wild thought. Sometimes when things are uncomfortable and hard, we are also in the right place, doing the right thing. Not always. But sometimes.

Does that ring true to you?

Can you think of a time when everything was hard and uncomfortable and you were on the wrong road? What did it feel like? How did you know the road was ultimately not for you?

Now, can you think of a time when the path was hard and uncomfortable but still, you knew you were on the right path? What did that feel like? How did you know that despite it being difficult, it was right for you?

Answering these questions will help you hone your discernment, a powerful ally when choosing whether to brave the discomfort or walk away.

This topic is on my mind because this week I had two experiences of the latter, choosing to stay with the discomfort in order to get to something wonderful, and it was so rewarding!

First, I had the opportunity to be a part of an amazing event. The choir I sing with was invited by NBC to create two performance videos in support of their upcoming live Easter event: Jesus Christ Superstar. I signed up immediately since my sisters and I have been singing this musical for as long as I can remember (and my brother endured!) This week, not only did we get to belt out these tunes like we were making a rock video but we sang along with Swedish Idol winner Erik Gronwall while holding him up as he body surfed the crowd! We also sang with Brandon Victor Dixon, Tony nominee and star of Hamilton, who blew the roof off the Great Hall! After his rendition of Superstar, literally everyone around us was saying, “Oh, my god.” “Oh, my god.” “Oh, my god.” He took our breath away! I wish I’d been able to take pictures or video to share with you but the whole production is under wraps. I’ll share more as soon as anything is released!

I would never have had that phenomenal experience if I hadn’t waded through the deep discomfort of going to choir in the first place. In the Reading Nook, I share the story of Braving the Road to Belonging and what helped me finally go and sing. I hope it inspires you to brave your own discomfort in service of what calls.

My second opportunity to get uncomfortable came on the heels of this singing event. Last week I came down with a wicked cold, which is why there were no new Behind the Scenes episodes – my voice was gone! Despite being under the weather, I followed through on a commitment I had made: a dance audition. Yep. I said it. I went to a dance audition. Dance is my first love but I thought my days of performance and auditions were long (long) behind me. Still, when the opportunity called, I answered. Was it uncomfortable? I tried not to think about it! What happened? I wrote a post about it here.

Sometimes everything comes together and the Universe clears the way. When that happens, let’s embrace the gift and celebrate! Let’s enjoy the grace and be rich with gratitude! But let’s not make the mistake of believing it must always be that way. Let’s not wait until the road is easy, free and clear because we may be waiting a long, long time.

Sometimes the Universe issues a challenging invitation because she is beckoning us to grow. She wants us to unfurl into an even deeper expression of who we are and to learn what we are capable of. As creatives we do that beautifully through creating.

I invite you to explore the question of when discomfort and difficulty is a sign to stop and when it is an opportunity to grow. Ask yourself, “How do I know the difference?” Draw on your life experience. Discover your own wisdom. This is not a simple question but it’s a powerful one and worthy of contemplation.

If in your exploration you start to notice something you’ve been aching for or dreaming of, something that is just on the other side of a bit of bravery and effort, something that feels like a yes, even though it’s hard, make a move. You might just be on to something wonderful.

Practice, Projects, Performance & Being Creatively Nimble

On Tuesday & Friday mornings I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:   I’m back and with some great experiences to share, each of which is a reminder to stay creatively alive and nimble with your creative practice so that you are available to your projects and wonderful opportunities to perform.

Mentioned on Today’s Show:

Daring to Dance

A while ago I saw an audition invitation for Le Grand Continental, a dance piece to be performed at the Luminato Festival here in Toronto. With the tag line, “If you’re a dancer at heart – or just want to be – WE WANT YOU!” I knew it was something I’d love to be involved in – but could I do it? It’s been quite a while since I’ve done anything other than dance around the house or play Just Dance!  And, despite my time at the gym, my sedentary days as an online entrepreneur have taken their physical toll, something I’ve been working on changing. Could this be just the motivation I need? A fun way to reawaken my inner dancer and get me moving? What would it be like to go to a dance audition at my age and stage? I guessed it would be two things: uncomfortable and exciting – a combination I try to say yes to!

So I did what I often do when faced with an enticing and intimidating adventure: I didn’t think, I just said signed up and said yes.

This is the audition piece that I learned and performed as well.

On the day before the audition, I came down with a bad cold, but something in me knew I had to be there.  Again, I didn’t think too much. Instead, I got the best night’s sleep I could, ate a nourishing meal, put on an outfit that I could move in and that felt like me and headed down to the space.

I walked in with an open mind and heart, deciding that whatever happened, the audition in and of itself would be an amazing adventure.  I mean, here it was a Monday night and instead of nursing my cold at home I was out at a dance audition!

Could it all go horribly wrong? Absolutely.

Would I feel uncomfortable, embarrassed and incapable? Quite likely.

Might I feel engaged, alive and brave? Unequivocally!

Might it open the door to something amazing? It just might!

So, with my tummy tingling and my head stuffed, I showed up. I was delighted to find that both the production people and the other aspiring dancers were generally friendly and kind. For the first 10 to 20 minutes, I felt good. As I followed the moves and grooved to the tunes I thought, “This is fun! I can do this!”

Then, at some point, there seemed to be way too much to remember and some slick, quick head turns had the room spinning and I thought, “Whoa… what was I thinking? I can’t do this! I should call it quits. I mean, this is just a short segment – the show is going to be 30 minutes!”

In other words, I felt certain I wasn’t ready for a 30-minute dance piece!

The good news is that I didn’t have to be.

In this moment, I only had to be ready to audition.

I had to be ready to say yes to this moment, to commit, to show up as I was and give all I had.  That is all.

This is how all great adventures begin. We aren’t ready. We don’t know where we’re going and we don’t know if we have what it takes to get there. The truth is, we probably don’t.

We’ll have to learn along the way. We’ll have to get stronger. We’ll have to make allies. We’ll fall. We’ll fail. And we’ll get up and we’ll get up again. We’ll laugh and we’ll doubt. We’ll surprise ourselves and one another. We’ll find we are more than we thought we were and we’ll do more than we thought we could. We’ll be amazed and amazing. We will be transformed. And, we will have stories to tell.

That is why I knew that no matter what happened, it would be worth it. I would be able to say with truth and conviction that I am a woman who said yes, who showed up, who braved the uncomfortable and stretched into the unknown.

Happily, in this instance, I’m also the woman, who got the part!

Spring, Things & Aliveness

On Tuesday & Friday mornings I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:   It’s one week until spring and I am ready – including being excited to make a start on my Spring Yearbook! Spring cleaning and the possibility of a renovation also has me thinking about minimalism, memories and things.

Mentioned on Today’s Show:

Caturday: Cat Meditation

Good Morning Scout

Sometimes I find it hard to slow down. (Who am I kidding? I always find it hard to slow down.) But today Scout helped me begin Cat Meditation, simply a practices of allowing oneself to simply relax, breathe and enjoy cat time, close and cuddly.

As I held Scout over my shoulder, feeling his purr against my heart, I could almost hear that yoga instructor voice in my head, “For this moment, there is nowhere else you have to be, nothing else you have to do. Breathe.”

Thanks, Scout.

The first time I thought that maybe Escher liked me was when I found him sleeping on my clothes. This was back when we couldn’t get close to him at all and I took it as a great sign of hope. Now, when I get up in the morning, he’ll quickly find his way right into my spot, still warm and cozy.  It’s so adorable that I just can’t kick him out. (Did I mention I am actually allergic to cats? Achoo!!)

I haven’t read it yet, but apparently Shibumi likes it
We should all be worried!
Very. Worried.