Today is the Day!
Aliveness, Creativity & New Bulletin Board Art Invitational Theme: BTS Season Finale!
On Tuesday & Friday mornings I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.
Today: It’s the Season Finale! Let’s be sure to get creative over our time apart. With the new season’s theme, you’ve even got a project! Thank you so much for being a part of the Behind the Scenes in 2017. I hope that you close this year with a sense of celebration and begin the new year with a sense of adventure.
Mentioned on Today’s Show:
Join me for stART: LIVE today!
Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives. To celebrate the wrap of another fun season and transition into the holidays, we thought we’d do a live show! Bring your questions. Bring your celebrations. Bring your creative self. We’re so looking forward to hanging out with you.
Join Shannon, Suzie and Me LIVE
Today : Monday, December 11th
3:30 pm EST
You’ll find us on our YouTube Channel
Subscribe & click the bell to get notice when we are live!
Caturday: Escher Cuddles
Whether I am working on the computer, watching something on TV or trying to get to sleep, this often my view, Escher just sits there, expectantly, waiting for something. The question is… what?
On this day, I crunched up a paper ball and tossed it and he chased it. After a minute though, he was back with this look, so obviously I hadn’t quite gotten it right. I reach down to pet him and he walked away (as he is wont to do) so I went back to work. He resumed his spot. I reached down again and he walked away but this time I followed him. He walked into the bedroom and, after a moment’s hesitation, jumped up on the bed and looked at me. I couldn’t believe it. He wanted cuddles.
So I curled up with him and petted behind his ears. I rubbed his chin until he “stopped, dropped and rolled” by the pillow. He purred and we had this beautiful moment. This is a first from our reticent wee boy, our shy one, our edgy one.
And that’s not all! At Journal Jame, he actually sat in the room for a few minutes with us all! Usually when people come over I don’t see him for hours after they’re gone!
I think all the love, the safety and the well wishes are working their magic on this one. I am so glad we brought him home.
Creative Living with Jamie: Fall Season Finale
Creative Living with Jamie (episode 276): Fall Season Finale!
It’s the end of another season in the studio and I’m delighted that my sister Shannon is here on the Creative Living with Jamie podcast to help celebrate. We talk about trends, social media and celebrate the season – plus share a little bit about what’s coming next!
Shine a Light ~ Spread the Magic
Whether this is the first episode that you’ve listened to or we’ve been hanging out for years, I am so glad that you’re here. I love knowing that we’re hanging out in your studio, folding your laundry or that we’re hanging out while you’re walking your dog or going to work. Wherever you are and however you listen, I want you to know, I cherish you. And if you cherish this show, if it has been a blessing to your creative life, please spread the magic! Take a moment to leave a positive rating or review on iTunes. Share the podcast with your friends! You really can make a difference by shining a light on the show so that it can be found by other creative hearts just like you.
Pleasure, Integrity & Receiving
On Tuesday & Friday mornings I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.
Today: My birthday and the upcoming holidays have me thinking about pleasure and receiving as well as turning into a little elf getting The Academy ready for you!
Mentioned on Today’s Show:
stART eps 89: Knowing Yourself, Your Element, Your Priorities and More
In this episode we have quite the time of chatting about personality and types and tests, whether it be astrology, dosha, Myers-Briggs, or responding by Instinct, Intellect or emotion. We really enjoyed chatting about this and if you have any personality-type test to suggest, we would love to hear about them!
In this episode we mention…
- Shannon chats about organizing her space by focusing on what she uses (and shares pictures of the messy process),
- I’m tinkering behind the scenes in The Studio for the new season of The Academy and share how I am honouring the bulletin board art from the BtS. Plus I would love to hear any suggestions for Holiday Decorations and Cats (e.g. decorations that are cat-friendly, ways to discourage cats from attacking, chewing and/or trying to eat said decorations)
- Suzie share pieces from the studio and also how she made an awesome King Arthur Flour Cinnamon Star.