Caturday: Slow Progress is Still Progress

Ever since we brought the three little rascals home we had a lot of questions about the future. Would they ever let us pet them? If they did, would they ever like it? Would they ever let us pick them up? (Shibumi, yes. Scout, sometimes. Escher, not a chance – at least not yet.) Would they ever sit on the couch with us and watch TV? Or sit on our laps maybe – wouldn’t that be the best?!

This week Scout really kept me company. He sat by me when I was writing and working in my yearbook – though he did make that a bit hard by sitting on it! He sat on my lap while I was hard at work getting Planning Day ready to go. He even sat cozied up in the studio chair while the workshop was live, being our unofficial mascot for 2018.

And then this happened…

Shibumi on my Lap
That is Shibumi sitting on my legs while I’m trying to have a nap. So wonderful! There is something about the way she fully relaxes her body that instantly makes you feel at ease.

Escher Watching Me

And even Escher, our nervous and shy boy, comes looking for attention. Um, yes, it’s unnerving to try and sleep with a cat staring at you but, you know, that’s being a cat mom!

Just like having your picture taken all the time is a part of being a studio kitten!

We’ve come a long way over the years and still we notice and celebrate every bit of progress.  Progress can be slow but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Sometimes I need a reminder. I thought maybe today you might need it too.

Join Me for Planning Day This Thursday!

For years I’ve been designing, re-designing and re-re-designing how to make a plan for my year that was true to my heart, flexible for my soul and supported me in getting things done. With that vision in mind and a constant stream of refinements, along with my sister Shannon, I have finally settled into something that really works.

At the end of each year, we dream, we have fun and we get clear on what we want for the year ahead. Even with our vastly different styles (my plan ends up held lightly in coloured cut-outs on a magnet board and Shannon’s is recorded, tracked and analyzed in Excel) we’ve found a process that fits us both!

I want to share it with you.

Design Your Year Gives You…

  • Dedicated Time. It’s time to stop planning to make a plan and actually make one! Take the time now so you can spend next year living the life you want to live!
  • Structure & Support: You don’t have to figure it out alone! I’ll guide you through a step-by-step process. Whether you attend live or work with the recording, you have access to me if you get stuck or stymied!
  • A Repeatable Design Process: What you learn in the workshop you’ll be able to use again and again. You will leave with a useful new process in your toolkit.
  • Clarified Priorities: A plan built on the wrong foundations is not only doomed for failure but it also hurts! Your design plan will be built on the ground of what’s truly important to you – and the workshop will help you name what that is!
  • A Plan (not a Straightjacket): You’ll leave with an intentional road map for the year ahead, one that keeps you focused and clear without being oppressive.
  • Your Word of the Year: What better time to discover your word of the year than when you’re immersed in the heart and soul of your plans for next year!
  • Peace of Mind: With a plan you have confidence in, you can let your mind rest. Knowing you’re ready to start next year with clarity, you can settle in and be present for the holiday season!

One participant said…

Working with Jamie is always a wonderful experience. Planning Day was all that I hoped for and more. I had time to focus on what is important in my life, celebrate what I accomplished , and begin to think about and plan for the New Year.

When Planning Day was finished I knew that I had a solid plan for how to begin my year but I also knew that my plan was fluid and flexible and that I could easily adjust it as needed. As always Jamie was prepared, fun, and always ready with a thoughtful answer if something didn’t seem to just right for me.

Planning Day is something that I will do from now on. I’m not only ready for next year but I’m excited to see what happens next! Thank you once again, Jamie for a terrific experience.”

Ginny Lennox

The Details

Format: Online webinar. You can participate live from anywhere in the world!
Live Date: Thursday, November 30, 2017
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm EST
Recording: Can’t make it live? Don’t worry. The recording will be ready for you by the weekend. You can take part whenever you like!
Supplies: I’ve keep it really simple: something to write with, something to write on, post-it notes, a magazine and a physical datebook or calendar (i.e. not digital).

Register Now for Planning Day

Design the Year You Want to Live

Planning Day 2016 Square Badge 300

Registration is $67 USD

Have Questions?

I made a video answering all of the questions that have come in, including more details about supplies and…

How can we plan when life is so chaotic and unpredictable?

What if you’ve never planned before?

What about overwhelm?

Have more questions? Email Me

And here are some questions I have for you…

  • What if next year was the year your ideas took form?
  • What if next year you stepped out of the dark cloud of over-thinking and stepped into a year of purpose with a plan?
  • What if you had a road map for adventure, one that allows for following your nose but also keeps you from getting lost?
  • What if next year end you were able to look back and say, “Holy noodle! Look what I did!!”

Ready to Make a Plan?

Planning Day 2016 Square Badge 300

Registration is $67 USD



Scout is looking particularly dashing this morning. I think he’s a bit like Aragorn. When we first saw him, he was a scruffy ruffian but he has turned into a prince. We may need to find him a kingly name too. Though for now, I often whisper to him in French and call him Monsieur. His purrs say he approves. Or, on occasion, as he rolls around having his tummy rubbed, I call him Mr. Wiggles. (PS If you look closely you can see the tip of his fang!)

Shibumi at Table

If there was ever a cartoon cat that came to life, it’s Shibumi! I think she’s this burly bruiser ready to tussle but who secretly has the superpower of melting hearts. You pick her up and something happens. You just feel better! Now, you just have to figure out how to get to the point where you can pick her up!

Escher Curled Up

Every week Escher gets sweeter. The big step this week is he jumped up on the couch and sat with me while I was watching TV. Yes, he was right at the other end of the couch but we were unquestionably on it together. Will he be a lap cat one day? Stay tuned!

Escher & Scout

Scout & Escher

Planning, Change & You Get to Be You

On Tuesday & Friday mornings I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  It seems like all around me people are going through dramatic change. How can we hold onto what is dear while also having permission to be someone different than who we have been? (Plus, I tell you how my test went!)

Mentioned on Today’s Show:


Send me where you watch and have your photo featured in the BTS. Watch today’s show for details.

Creative Living with Jamie: Finding Your Inner Compass

Finding Your Inner Compass

Subscribe in iTunes

Creative Living with Jamie 2.0 (episode 275): Finding Your Inner Compass

When I stepped off the traditional road and started discovering my own path, I needed to find my inner compass. One question helped guide the way.

Shine a Light ~ Spread the Magic

Whether this is the first episode that you’ve listened to or we’ve been hanging out for years, I am so glad that you’re here.  I love knowing that we’re hanging out in your studio, folding your laundry or that we’re hanging out while you’re walking your dog or going to work. Wherever you are and however you listen, I want you to know, I cherish you. And if you cherish this show, if it has been a blessing to your creative life, please spread the magic! Take a moment to leave a positive rating or review on iTunes. Share the podcast with your friends! You really can make a difference by shining a light on the show so that it can be found by other creative hearts just like you.