Every weekday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.
Today: Disruption can be a surprisingly good opportunity for dreaming! Plus, a sparkling spirit doll by Dara Dines is a great inspiration.
Today: Disruption can be a surprisingly good opportunity for dreaming! Plus, a sparkling spirit doll by Dara Dines is a great inspiration.
Today: The power of sharing and getting over getting it wrong.
Today: Moved by Instagram star Essena O’Neill sharing why she’s leaving social media, I’m thinking about all the ways we disconnect from our core.
Today: I’m reminded of how moments of beauty and goodness helped me make it through some tough times.
Today: It’s time for November Dreams and your beautiful giveaway entries have inspired me! Today I announce the winners.
Today: Writing a list of creative resources for studio members, thinking about the nature of art and the impact of allowing mistakes.