Category: Behind the Scenes

Dreams, Opening Up & Giveaway Winners

Every weekday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: It’s time for November Dreams and your beautiful giveaway entries have inspired me! Today I announce the winners.

Mentioned in Today’s Show

  • Cat Bennett
  • Giveaway Winners: Deanna Marie, Keren, Rosie, Angella, Emma, Celine & Carol. I’ll be in touch with each of you for your addresses!

Kittens and Chairy

The Kittens now have their own Facebook Page.

Resources, Art & Allowing Mistakes

Every weekday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: Writing a list of creative resources for studio members, thinking about the nature of art and the impact of allowing mistakes.

Mentioned in Today’s Show

The Kittens now have their own Facebook Page.

Enter the first ever BTS Giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway