Category: Creative Living TV

Transformation, Intuition & Stars – The BTS is Back!

On Tuesday & Friday mornings I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: It is awesome to be back and in the studio with you! I’ve committed to a new supportive practice and today I invite you to do the same – plus I share some cool things that are coming up. You won’t want to miss it!

Mentioned on Today’s Show:

stART eps 90 (Live Recording!): Our 2017 Season Finale!

Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives. In this episode we chat about art classes, creative projects, breakthroughs and breaks, as well as diving full-on into our creative hearts.

For our final episode of 2017 we went LIVE on our YouTube channel to share thoughts on the year and take viewer questions. Thank you to each and every one of you who came to party with us!

In this episode we mention…

Keep up-to-date with stART: Creating As We Go

Aliveness, Creativity & New Bulletin Board Art Invitational Theme: BTS Season Finale!

On Tuesday & Friday mornings I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: It’s the Season Finale! Let’s be sure to get creative over our time apart. With the new season’s theme, you’ve even got a project! Thank you so much for being a part of the Behind the Scenes in 2017. I hope that you close this year with a sense of celebration and begin the new year with a sense of adventure.

Mentioned on Today’s Show:


stART eps 89: Knowing Yourself, Your Element, Your Priorities and More

Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives. In this episode we chat about art classes, creative projects, breakthroughs and breaks, as well as diving full-on into our creative hearts.

In this episode we have quite the time of chatting about personality and types and tests, whether it be astrology, dosha, Myers-Briggs, or responding by Instinct, Intellect or emotion. We really enjoyed chatting about this and if you have any personality-type test to suggest, we would love to hear about them!

In this episode we mention…

  • Shannon chats about organizing her space by focusing on what she uses (and shares pictures of the messy process),
  • I’m tinkering behind the scenes in The Studio for the new season of The Academy and share how I am honouring the bulletin board art from the BtS. Plus I would love to hear any suggestions for Holiday Decorations and Cats  (e.g. decorations that are cat-friendly, ways to discourage cats from attacking, chewing and/or trying to eat said decorations)
  • Suzie share pieces from the studio and also how she made an awesome King Arthur Flour Cinnamon Star.

Keep up-to-date with stART: Creating As We Go