Category: Creative Living TV

stART: Creating as We Go – All Kinds of Stages (eps 78)

Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives.

In this episode, we are all in different stages with our creativity, our creations and our art. From what’s up behind the scenes to trying to figure out our next steps, we have lots to share. We hope you enjoy the show!

In this episode we mention…

Keep up-to-date with stART: Creating As We Go

stART: Creating as We Go – A New Hope (eps 77)

Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives.It has been a bit of a trying time over the past two weeks, but we have all come through it and have something to share. Perhaps the biggest thing we all struck on this episode is what we are clear about (and maybe just a few things that are less so). Here is to continued clarity! Enjoy!

In this episode we mention…

Keep up-to-date with stART: Creating As We Go

Creativity, Darkness & Magic

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: Thinking about what our creativity needs, especially in the dark times, I remember that we are the magic.

Mentioned in Today’s Show

Shibumi & Tulip

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Art, Junk Journals & Unicorns

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: For some people, art and creativity are they way they understand the world! If that’s you, it’s time to make that a priority. Plus, you know it’s a good day when unicorns arrive in the mail!

Mentioned in Today’s Show

Unicorn Mail

Send #BTS Bulletin Unicorn Mail to:

Jamie Ridler
PO Box 72054
1630 Danforth Ave
Toronto, ON
M4C 1H6