Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.
Today: Closing up this season with thoughts on magic and creating a wonderful new year.
Mentioned in Today’s Show
Today: Closing up this season with thoughts on magic and creating a wonderful new year.
Today: This week is all about Planning Day and bringing fall to a close as we ramp up to winter!
Today: As we come closer to year-end it feels like just the right time to clear out any stopped up energy and I’m doing that by clearing out, letting go and getting closure on some projects. How about you?
Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives.
It’s a bit of a little-bit-of-everything this time around. We seem to be in the middle of many things or not feeling like we are doing anything creative at all. This episode we share some painful challenges but we have a few celebrations too. We’d love to hear how you take on creative challenges and tackle barriers.
Today: Getting ready for planning the new year and bringing desires and ideas to life! Plus, a visit from Shibumi!
Today: My sisters and I got together for Art & Netflix and that’s left me thinking about the nature of public/private, professional/personal and sharing ourselves online.
Today: The weekend has me thinking about balance and the snow has me thinking about change.