Category: Creative Living TV

Show & Tell, Art Day & Procrastination Bunny

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  I got out to a yard sale and an art sale this weekend and have a few things to share, including the discovery of procrastination bunny!

Mentioned in Today’s Show

JRS Cat-Approved Magazines

Follow the Kittens on Facebook.

Summer Inspiration Infusion

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  At the end of a super-productive week I am delighted to share a show-and-tell of my inspiration infusion for the summer: creative tools and inspiring magazines!

Mentioned in Today’s Show

Three Cats on a Chair

Follow the Kittens on Facebook.

Daily Projects, Inspiration, & Procrastination

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today:  Today I followed the  inspiration rabbit (or was it the procrastination rabbit) and have some wonderful daily project ideas to share with you.

Mentioned in Today’s Show

Project 365 2013 for Vimeo from Jamie Ridler on Vimeo.


365 Collage Journal Flip-Through

Collaging is one of my favourite mediums for self-expression and self-discovery. One year, I decided to make a collage each day in a journal. The idea was to capture the essence of that day in a visual form. I could include anything I liked, including mementos like subway transfers, movie tickets and wrapping paper.

I let the practice go for a while but when I rediscovered that original journal I was amazed at how powerfully it transported me back to those moments in my life. I have been keeping one ever since. Here is a flip-through of my most recent 365 Collage Journal.

Explore more about 365 Collage Journals

stART eps 64: Enjoy It and Roll With It

Every couple of weeks I film stART: Creating as We Go with my two sisters, Suzie and Shannon. We share our creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other’s creative lives. We hope we’ll inspire you to get creating too!

Episode 64 is a high energy episode. We talk about everything from En Masse Journals to Super Hero swipe graphics, plus the contradictions that make us uniquely who we are. Join us for the ride!

In this episode we mention:

Keep up-to-date with stART: Creating As We Go