We creatives just love reading, don’t we? I find I’m always adding wonderful books to my creative living bookshelf! In this episode, I share 7 great finds covering everything from decluttering to showing your work, from alchemy to play, from passion to life purpose to asking. I’ve shared links below (don’t look if you want to be surprised when you watch the show!)
Here are the books currently on my Creative Living Bookshelf
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo (Find on Amazon.com
, On Amazon.ca
- Hop, Skip, Jump: 75 Ways to Playfully Manifest a Meaningful Life by Marney Makridakis (Find on Amazon.com, on Amazon.ca
)(Psst… Marney has been a guest on Creative Living with Jamie. Listen here.)
- Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered by Austin Kleon (Find on Amazon.com
, on Amazon.ca
- Life Purpose Boot Camp: The 8-Week Breakthrough Plan for Creating a Meaningful Life by Eric Maisel (Find on Amazon.com
, on Amazon.ca
)(Eric has also been on Creative Living with Jamie. Listen here.)
- On Becoming an Alchemist: A Guide for the Modern Magician by Catherine MacCoun (Find on Amazon.com, on Amazon.ca
- The Art of Asking: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help by Amanda Palmer (Find on Amazon.com
, on Amazon.ca
- Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion by Gregg Levoy (Find on Amazon.com
, on Amazon.ca
) Gregg is going to be a guest on Creative Living with Jamie in the New Year. Be sure to watch for it!

What are you reading?
Do you have a great creative living books to recommend to me?
Hi Jamie,
Just wanted to say thank you for the tip of the hat to Vital Signs. Much appreciated, and I look forward to our dialogue in Jan. Til then, cheers, Gregg
Hi Gregg! Thanks so much for stopping by. You’re very welcome. I’ve already been hearing how people love that elephant story! I know it will stay in my heart. I’ll look forward to chatting in the New Year!
What a beautiful ‘reading’ Jamie (I see the author caught it too!) I was so moved by “..my soul doesn’t seem to care what price I pay to live passionately..” I have found this to be very very true!! LOL I look forward to the interview with Gregg.