Day 3: In Challenging Times, We Can Still Dance

“It is now time for us to be as big as we are.”

In these times of purposeful social isolation, it moves me deeply to recognize that we humans love to gather. It is a part of nature, as is our desire to dance.  From the time we are little, we wiggle and stomp and bounce. Then somewhere along the line, sooner or later, most of us forget. We forget the joy our bodies feel when we move to music. We forget that dance sets us free. Instead, we get caught up in the idea that dance is a performance and we cast ourselves in the role of ‘audience’. We start to believe that dance is for the trained, for the young, for the lithe and the limber. This is not true.

Dance is for everyone. Including you.

We may not be able to gather on the dance floor together right now but still, we can dance.  Put on your favourite song and remember what it’s like to move.  It’s that simple!

Plus, right now amazing resources are popping up all over the internet. DJ D-Nice has been playing live sets on Instagram that will get you grooving. And today The Get Down from NYC is hosting a live dance party. There’s a sliding scale fee with a minimum. I signed up both to dance and to support their effort to bring dance, light and love to the world. I have never attended one of their events but they have values I can get behind: “We create dance floors that liberate, heal and unite through the power of music and community.” And hey, it’s been a while since I hit the club scene but now I can do it from home.

Here’s one of their playlists, including the way they set the tone and begin. Let’s dance together now!

And though we certainly can’t follow some of the prescriptions in this video, it’s still an inspirational reminder that We Came to Dance.

On the New Moon, I began a new blog series: 40 Days of Beauty, Goodness & Love, little moments of light to get us through a difficult time. If you get solace, peace and inspiration from this, please share with others who need the same. (And if you’re gathering goodness too, please share resources in the comments!)

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