Every weekday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.
Today: Encounters with fire, stepping into our power and discovering pearls – plus creating safety for your people, your work and your self.
Mentioned in Today’s Show:
- Pearl Diving
- Inner Alchemy Circle: Fire Coven
- Year of Dreams: Full Buck Moon
- Creative Living with Jamie
- Natalie Goldberg
I was sitting at the computer, playing catch-up on blogs, and your post just started when my 15 month old grand daughter walks in. She climbed up in my lap and with a huge grin on her face, listened to your video and nodded and ‘talked’ to you. She is a future vision boarder! So on those days when you might have doubts, remember, even the youngest to listen and get something from you.
Judy, that absolutely made my day!! Thank you so much for sharing that moment with me. I am just delighted to have had the opportunity to hang out with you and your granddaughter. *beam*