Join Me for a Journal Sampler!

There are more ways to journal than there are journalers! How do you know what’s right for you?

When I created my Journal Showdown video (see below), I had no idea it would soon become my most popular show! I think we’re all fascinated by the many ways that we can journal and we’re looking for the mix that feels just right to us. That’s why I’ve created the Journal Sampler course.

In the Journal Sampler Class you will experiment with…

Morning Pages: What better way to start this adventure than with with Julia Cameron’s Artist’s Way classic – three pages of long-hand, free-form writing that can change your life. They have certainly changed mine!

A Glue Journal: I don’t know what it is that makes a glue journal so much fun. Maybe it’s the simplicity. Maybe it’s the way it brings us back to our childhood. Whatever it is, this practice of simply choosing, cutting and gluing images that call to your heart is magical.

Fauxbonichi: Learning the Fauxbonichi style is a great way to expand the range of your journal practice. It combines elements of documenting, gathering and visual journaling too. I’ve found it a really fun way to capture my days and a delight to look back on. It swiftly brings me back to a moment in time.

Grid Planning: What if you planned your week according to your priorities? This simple way of keeping your to-dos in a priority grid will help you do just that. This is a style I’ve developed myself and whenever someone sees it, they always get curious and want to know more! In this course, I share the process for the first time!

Lynda Barry’s Daily Diary: In her magnificent book Syllabus, Lynda Barry shares homework assignments she gives her students, including a particular format for keeping a daily diary. It’s a simple and creative way of gathering moments of your life. Fine tune your artist’s eyes and ears with this practice.

Collage 365: What if every day you captured your life experience not in words but in collage? I’ve been doing it for years and it has become one of my favourite ways to journal. In this course, I’ll share this creative practice with you.

A Little Note: Don’t let all this variety fool you. This isn’t going to take a lot of supplies. In fact, I encourage you to use just one journal for the whole adventure. We’re experimenting. Let your Journal Sampler journal be your lab! Once you know what you love and what works for you, then you can commit to supplies with confidence. You’ll find a small supply list below.

Before Creativity Coffee

The Journal Sampler Course Gives You…

Six Video Lessons: Immediate access to 6 video lesson teaching you a unique journal style. With this self-study course, you can watch at a pace and a time that is convenient for you.

A Chance to Learn & Experiment: Each week is your chance to try on something new, to experiment with your practice and to see if there are other styles that might deepen or expand your joy in journaling.

A Creative Practice: Having a focus and a structure is a great way to support your journal practice and allow it to take hold in your creative life.

You Time: Journal time is your time.  Committing to a course of journal study will inspire you to get to your practice, even when the chaos of life threatens to pull you away. Your productivity, your health, your mood, your creativity, your loved ones – all benefit from you getting time for you.


The Details

The Details

Schedule: Journal Sampler is a 6-lesson course that is now available as a self-study program, allowing you to work at a pace that feels just right to your journaling heart. 

Format: This is an online e-course. All class materials and additional resources will be available on our private classroom page at Jamie Ridler Studios.

Supplies: All you need is one journal, scissors, a ruler, glue stick and images. You’ll probably also enjoy having some coloured pens, pencils or crayons. (Something that won’t go through the page is preferable)

Your Guide: Jamie Ridler. A journaler for decades, I am a creative living coach who has led creative workshops covering everything from dreamboards to journaling for entrepreneurs. I am also the founder of Give a Girl a Journal, a do-good initiative that brings journals to girls around the world!

Register Now

Register Now & Join the Journal Sampler Adventure!

We’re going to have such a great time!

Journal Sampler 400x400

Registration $90 USD



What people are saying about Journal Sampler…

  I loved all of the journaling styles and will be continuing on with them in the future! The most valuable aha moment for me was learning how rewarding it is to concentrate on one form of journaling for a week at a time. In the past I have tried to keep up with so many different types of journals at the same time that I would get overwhelmed. Now I realize that I can do them all, and keep it fun if I just do them one at a time. Now that was a MAGICAL insight! Thank you so much Jamie! Shelley

  I absolutely loved all of the styles! I’ve continued with Morning Pages, and I plan to keep that up. I’m most likely to do the Daily Diary/Fauxbonichi hybrid as a daily practice, with perhaps some collage either in addition to or instead of the drawing. I’ve always loved glue journaling, but I don’t think I’ll do it every day. And the grid planner is a nice way to touch in on my priorities once a week. Thank you, Jamie, for this amazing class! Sandy

  I’ve simply LOVED this journey! I’ve totally incorporated the Fauxbonichi into my daily practice (adding elements of Lynda Barry’s daily diary into it); and the Grid Planner is an exciting new keeper for me as well. It’s such a perfect-for-me fit, I get a little thrilled each time I open and use it.  I’ve long been a fan of glue journaling, but I’ve loved the reminder of just how much fun it is to do, so this too has been incorporated as a regular practice which I expect will continue. I love feeling like I’ll be entering 2017 with some fun new practices already in place. Yay! Deborah

Additional Material

Watch the Show that Inspired this Class!