Junk Journals, Creativity, & Your Artistic Profile

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.

Today: I am wrapping up a whirlwind of a week getting ready for our Junk Journal Journey and it’s led me to thinking about all the different ways there are to be creative (plus all the ways judgment can shut us down!)

Mentioned in Today’s Show


Join me on the Junk Journal Journey adventure. We start tomorrow!


  1. Autumn_Forge says:

    Jamie, thank you so much for describing the different types of creativity in this morning’s video. The material you shared from “Creating A Life Worth Living” really resonated with me, and I’ve ordered a copy of the book. I’m introverted but feel that same pull between individual forms of creativity like fiction writing and visual journaling, and collaborative/expressive forms like dance and improv (my latest passion). My original art form was also theater. It’s as if my creative life were a three-legged stool. If I’m missing any of those pieces, the others lose vitality, too.

  2. Theresa says:

    Hello Jamie. I’m pretty amazed my tiny envelope made it through the post too!! I don’t do “normal” :-) And the different types of creativity was interesting, I could relate to a couple. Having occasionally taught people how to do their jobs or certain tasks in non-creative fields, I’ve never really thought about the teaching as being creative, but thinking about it now, I suppose it is. I had to “create” a way of teaching them that is engaging enough for them to understand and complete their roles. As an introvert, it was not necessarily my favourite thing to do, but I did get some satisfaction from it when it turned out well.

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