Every weekday morning I invite you Behind the Scenes at my studio.
Today: Rediscovering my love of poetry and some insight into how I create my classes.
Mentioned on Today’s Show:
- Spectrum Workshop: Gathering Words: Finding Your Voice, Discovering Your Inner Poet(ry)
- Kelly Besecke
Find More Creative Living TV at the Studio
what a surprise to see my computer, my “cow” mug and my art journal next to you !!!! I’m still here in France watching you with my cup pf coffee !!!! see you on monday !! great week end
You are inspiring me to want to write poetry again. I used to write a lot when I was younger and just stopped. It was such a creative outlet to me as a teen and young adult, so maybe I’ll find reasons to get inspired to write something. :) Also, may I suggest the Vintage Wisdom Oracle deck by Victoria Moseley.