Learn the magic of Vision Cards


Set Course for Your Dreams with These Personal Creative Touchstones!

In the flurry of our day-to-day lives, full of deadlines and must-dos, it’s easy to forget the power and magic of our dreams. Vision cards are creative focus tools that inspire and connect you to the things that matter most. Deeply personal, wildly intuitive and intensely evocative, vision cards are touchstones of our heart’s desires. These visual reminders slip past gremlins, outwit our intellect and speak directly to our soul.

In this self-paced on-demand workshop, we will use the creative tools of journaling and collage to create vision cards that will light your way!

In this class you will…

  • Learn how to creatively and intuitively make Vision Cards.
  • Identify focus areas essential to your heart and soul.
  • Use intention and intuition to gather images that call your spirit.
  • Create 10 personal vision cards steeped in magic, meaning and motivation.
  • Connect to a process you can use again and again on your creative life journey.
  • Move at your own pace, on your own schedule.


All You Need is Some Time and a Few Supplies

  • 10 cards – they can be either large index cards (e.g. 5 x 8) or 8 x 12 pieces of cardboard. You may want extra in case you want to make more than we will be doing in class.
  • Magazines
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Pen/Markers/Coloured pencils (optional)

This class is for all dreamers and for dreams of all sizes. No art experience is required. You do not have to have a clear vision to participate. You simply have to know there are dreams in your heart, waiting to be seen.

Register Now for Immediate Access

It’s Your Time to Dream

Vision Cards Badge

Registration is $30 USD

Know that simply by creating your vision cards you are honouring your dreams. You are letting your Self and the Universe know, “this is important.”

And that, in itself, is magic.

  I just finished the Vision Card workshop and I wanted to share with you my feelings.  Let me say THANK YOU!!!! It was great as usual.  First, the visualization was very calming and focusing.  Then, the whole process of creating the cards was so well explained and the cards I created are so meaningful to me.  There is some thing magic about your workshops because it works so well, as opposed to me trying to do collage by myself.  And the dance at the end!  So so so cool!  I really did it and it energized me!  A big hug to you, you revitalized me! Michelle Langelier


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